Remember the moment someone saw something in you.

And inspire growth in someone else.

Together, we’re lifting up the voices of emerging leaders who have been overlooked or underestimated, and equipping them with the tools they need to ignite transformation in their corner of the world.
Our first-ever giving catalog empowers you to unlock the world-changing potential in leaders and leaders-to-be that you believe have an influence worth investing in.

What do you see?

  • International Ministry

    The Global Leadership Network’s international ministry translates Summit content so local organizers can inspire and equip leaders around the world. If you can see new areas transformed through accessible content and training, lift up international leaders today.

  • Prison Ministry

    The Global Leadership Network’s prison ministry delivers transformational leadership resources to men and women living behind bars. If you can see purpose reclaimed and incarceration culture completely reshaped, lift up prison residents eager to change today.

  • GLS Next Gen

    GLS Next Gen activates young leaders to be a force for good through practical, interactive leadership experiences, both live and online. If you can see purpose and influence discovered by emerging voices, lift up the next generation of leaders today.

  • Women Leaders Network

    The Women Leaders Network is a unified global movement of local cohorts that identify and empower women leaders and equip them for leadership. If you can see broken barriers and callings passionately pursued, lift up women leaders today.

International Ministry

  • Create training resources for international leaders!

    GLN’s international ministry sends leadership training around the world through local organizers.
    Give $75 Now
  • Support an international Summit attendee!

    240,000 leaders and leaders-to-be attended a Summit outside of the U.S. this year.
    Give $100 Now
  • Translate the Summit!

    It costs, on average, $10,000 to make Summit content available in another language.
    Give $250 Now
  • Launch a NEW international site!

    It costs, on average, $25,000 to fully equip a new international partner location.
    Give $500+ Now

Prison Ministry

  • Create training resources for prison residents!

    GLN’s prison ministry helps residents find new value in their mindset, behavior and relationships.
    Give $75 Now
  • Support a prison Summit attendee!

    Residents realize and demonstrate their leadership potential, while serving time and when re-entering their communities.
    Give $100 Now
  • Bring the Summit to a correctional facility!

    It costs $1,500 to host one prison Summit.
    Give $250 Now
  • Launch a NEW leadership development initiative!

    It will cost $50,000 to establish the Global Leadership Academy, a leadership development and retention program for prison residents.
    Give $500+ Now

GLS Next Gen

  • Create training resources for young leaders!

    GLS Next Gen Brings transformational leadership experiences to schools, universities, communities and youth groups.
    Give $75 Now
  • Support a Next Gen leader!

    Bring speakers and lessons to schools, universities, communities and youth groups.
    Give $100 Now
  • Give one youth group a Next Gen Summit!

    It costs $500 for a youth group with under 100 students to access a Toolkit and host a Summit experience.
    Give $250 Now
  • Activate hundreds of future leaders!

    It costs $750 for youth groups with over 100 students to access a Toolkit and host a Summit experience.
    Give $500+ Now

Women Leaders Network

  • Create training resources for women!

    The WLN provides leadership content specifically chosen for women in leadership.
    Give $75 Now
  • Connect a woman leader to a local cohort!

    Joining a WLN cohort is completely free, and comes with a local and global connection to inspiring women leaders.
    Give $100 Now
  • Launch a cohort of women leaders in a new location!

    It costs $2,500 in seed funding to establish WLN in a new location.
    Give $250 Now
  • Empower an annual gathering of women leaders!

    It will cost $4,000 to organize our first-ever WLN cohort leader gathering.
    Give $500+ Now

Give Where Most Needed

Your gift will go directly to our highest areas of need in 2024.

These gift options represent examples of the types of impact your gift can have through the work of the Global Leadership Network. Our desire is to honor your intended designation of gifts.  However, if a project is overfunded, we reserve the right to use gifts where most needed to support the overall mission of the Global Leadership Network.

Can you see the next transformational leader?

When you give, you’re actively equipping the kind of leaders that will ignite transformation in their corner of the world.

Rick and GLN’s International Ministry

Rick felt like a nobody until he felt like a local pastor’s message was aimed directly at him.

Inspired to become a pastor himself, and to lead others into the same hope he now feels, Rick sees the Summit as a way to equip himself for the task.

Even more, he sees leadership training as the key to a better community. His church in Chiang Mai is small, but is now packed with leaders. One said the GLS helps people better see themselves, so they can better improve themselves. Watch how the GLS is impacting community leaders in Thailand!

“I became a leader because of GLS.”
I see something in leaders like Rick

Bo and GLN’s Prison Ministry

In 2018, someone saw something in Bo, inviting him to attend a Global Leadership Summit hosted in Algoa Correctional Center in Jefferson City, MO.

After learning from the world’s best leaders, Bo saw something in himself—his capacity to lead others long after the Summit experience ended. Watch Bo’s video!

In June of this year, Bo went home to his family. He sees something more for other prison residents around the globe. Your gift can enable a new program in prisons that unpacks leadership content year-round, fostering new leaders with healthy futures.

“I’m leaving it better than I found it.”
I see something in leaders like Bo

Iysha and GLS Next Gen

Trigger Warning: Video contains reference to gun violence and suicidal ideation.

Iysha’s teacher recognized her value. It lifted her up in her lowest moments, and inspired her to recognize value in others. “That was the thing that changed my life. Someone seeing me.”

Now the principal at Doolittle Elementary, she’s committed to seeing her students. Dedicated to creating spaces for children to thrive, Iysha realized a lack of resources for developing leadership in children. So when GLS Next Gen built a leadership curriculum specifically for her school, it changed everything.

The kids at Doolittle, proud that leadership materials are meant just for them, are more than up for the task. One student, once institutionalized for his behavior, became the fiercest advocate for change in his entire classroom. And out of all the school’s activities, children are most excited to join the leadership cohort.

To be seen as leaders.

“We stood tall. We were worthy. People saw us.”
I see something in young, emerging leaders

Janine and the Women Leaders Network

Janine was instrumental in bringing the GLS to South Africa in 2005. She sees gender inequality all around her, but sees something much more for herself and the women leaders in her midst.

She’s committed to launching small cohorts across the country, where women learn with, and from, each other. The programs will invest in women, and release them into leadership. Watch how the Women’s Leadership Network is taking shape in South Africa!

Janine sees a future where the women around her don’t shrink back, but go for it.

“If women were given more opportunities to lead, the world would be a different place.”
I see something in leaders like Janine

Your Story

As we show leaders who are overlooked, underestimated or not-yet-ready that we see something in them, we want to take a second. Someone, at some point, invested in you. Saw something in you.

We encourage every leader to share, with someone, that you see something in the leaders supported by the Global Leadership Network. A great place to start? With your own story.